Awakening of the Feminine Force of Nature
Join the Community and receive inspiration through Moonya Yoga & Feminine Embodiment, Nature Connection & Ritual, Vision Inquiry and Soul Sharing Circles together with other like-minded women.

Moonya Yoga Tribe
MOONYA YOGA MEMBERSHIP In the Moonya Yoga Membership – you will receive: Weekly short meditations with different feminine themes Weekly inspiration from me, Mira Moonya

Membership Feminine Nature Tribe
MEMBERSHIP FEMININE NATURE TRIBE In the Membership Global Community you will receive everything from the Free Community AND also: Deepening Weekly inspiration from me, Mira

Free Feminine Nature Tribe
FREE FEMININE NATURE TRIBE In the Free Global Community you will receive: Weekly inspiration from me, Mira Moonya and other sisters in the Tribe Monthly
Are you longing for more support and connection in your life, where you can explore your own feminine force of nature together in a community of sisters?
Many of us are finding ourselves more isolated than ever in our lives, and this affects our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. In a world where we have become increasingly polarized and divided I want to offer a space of refuge where we can tap into the feminine energy, within and around. To be connected to this force can shine light on whatever we are going though in our lives as challenges or potential transformation.

The Call of the Tribe
This Tribe is a call to all of my sisters to stand together in these times of great challenge as the world is becoming increasingly polarized and hostile. We come together to honor the natural world, the magic and beauty of our Earth, remembering that each woman is a reflection of nature. We come together in unity; beyond age, culture, race and nation, honoring the inherent beauty and wisdom of the feminine.
Our world needs the feminine energy of love, inclusion, contemplation, reflection, community, belonging and a greater sense of listening more than ever. I believe that each one of us can make a difference in the unfolding of the future of our planet and humanity, together.
The Offering
As we come together in Prayer, Vision Quest, Moonya Yoga & Feminine Embodiment Flow, Elemental Connection & Ritual, and Soul Sharing Circles, we heal on an individual, collective and planetary dimension.
Together we become a feminine force of nature, and a source of inspiration for the world and for each one of us entering into this Tribe of Women. We empower each other and ourselves so that each one of us can stand resourced in facing whatever challenges we are facing right now. Together we can tap into the limitless force of the Feminine and make a difference in our own lives and in this world.
We need Each Other & this Earth
Our Earth needs us more than ever and we need Her more than ever. In our Feminine Nature Tribe we create space for our relationship to Earth to heal, evolve and become a foundation for our lives. We reclaim our birthright of freedom and unity with the natural force of love, which the Feminine holds for us. From that force of love we become empowered agents of change from the inside and out.
Who am I that am calling into this Tribe?
My name is Mira Moonya. I have been on a path of the Feminine since the past 30 years soon… and it is breaking my heart seeing where the world is at right now and heading towards. My soul knows there is another way, and I believe you also know that as you are here right now.
All I know is that each one of us came here to Earth for a reason, with a specific gift of healing to offer, and that we need spaces and tribes where we can remember our souls connection to this Earth and Cosmos, and reconnect to our unique gift. My passion is to offer this space for you and other sisters.
Want to get to know me? Read more about me on the page: About Mira
Hearing the Call?
Are you longing to be part of this Community? I would love to share this Tribe with you.
There are three ways that you can join:
The Free Global Community – Read more above.
Membership Global Community – Read more above.
Membership Global Community – Read more above.
Welcome Sister!
Know this sister, that you are not alone…
All of your strife was never in vain, as you step onto this path which takes you back home to your Feminine Force of Nature,
Know that women from all walks of life are walking next to you…
Know that this path to freedom was always meant for you as your birthright,
And that the Feminine Force alive within your very own body,
As well as within the Earth and Cosmos
Will support you in each and every step…
Welcome to join this Tribe of Women rising up as empowered embodied leaders of our lives!
Love from the Roots and Up,
Mira Moonya