Hi Love,
Spring is finally here in the northern hemisphere and I am drinking in the beauty and inspiration that nature brings right now. It feels so incredible after a long dark winter here in Sweden.
Yet at the same times as the flowers spring fourth, the news are also filled with war, division and greater challenge that ever faced before. It’s easy to get caught up in the forces of darkness that are spreading over the world right now.
I believe it is important to take in the current world situation to the degree that feels healthy to you, and allow it to inform your life, your prayers and actions of service to all… and then to also let it all go fully and completely.
To allow oneself to really fill up on the goodness that is also present at the same time… and to know that doing so is a gift to each and everyone. If we truly want to find healing for ourselves, others and this planet, we need to focus on the goodness that can be found if we look for it.
Through my own dark initiation, as I have shared a bit about earlier I had to find my own way of allowing a greater sense of love and goodness to heal my wounds from the past 3 years of deep trauma. To find the gift and light deep inside of me and as part of the initiation through my shadow. Knowing that the shadow holds the keys for stepping into the light.
More will come on this, as I believe that my journey though my own dark hell is a gift for all of you, and something that can bring light to everyone. It is a heroic journey we all must do, and will have to do, as these times will bring us all there…. and believe me, it is beautiful on the other side… and worth it all!
In my next letter I will share more about this, so stay tuned!
And for now, I just want to bring you nourishment in your life, so you can keep kindling your fire and light in the midst of it all.
I held a beautiful free class of Moonya Shakti Yoga last weekend and below you can see the recording of it. Both men and women and non-binary can do the class, although I am speaking of the womb-space and yoni…. in any of my classes you can just change the wording so that it fits you, your body and soul 🙂 Enjoy!
Some good news is that the Yoga Teacher Training is open for Women with and without Yoga training! Now open for women with both yoga teacher background and women who want to deepen and possibly work with Feminine Embodiment. You can take the training and receive different certifications and get either a Moonya Shakti Yoga Teacher Certificate or Shakti Feminine Embodiment Certificate.
Let me know if you are interested. Payment plans are possible.
Sending you so much love and appreciation, take care Dear.
Love from the Roots and Up,

Feel like you need some support and inspiration right now?
It has been a few rough years right? And I have done my own share of working through challenges, where my life completely fell apart.
Through this experience and with the tools and insights I now have, I will offer Support Sessions from May-August with a highly reduced price. Let me know if you are interested to know more!
Just send me an email with a yes and I will send you more info.

Free Nourishment
I held a beautiful free class of Moonya Shakti Yoga last weekend and here is the recording of it. Both men and women and non-binary can do it, although I am speaking of the womb-space and yoni…. in any of my classes you can just change the wording so that it fits you, your body and soul 🙂 Enjoy!
Free Moonya Shakti Yoga Class 17/4
Access Passcode: S^R$7ZT&
Accessible for 2 weeks
And more Inspiration from the Women’s International Day;
Celebrating Women’s International Day and Shakti Breaths
Free Moonya Shakti Yoga Class
Topic: Celebrating Women’s International Day
Date: Mar 8, 2022 06:47 PM Stockholm
Accessible for 2 weeks
Access Passcode: RTb6^^*4
For future free events, make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram as I will be more active there from now on.
Follow MOONYA – A FEMININE FORCE OF NATURE on Facebook and Follow Mira Moonya on Instagram.