Elemental Yoga

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DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. Through the elements we enhance our connection to the natural world and yoga becomes a way to find union with nature and cosmos within and around.



EARTH – How to root and find safety in your body through the element of Earth

WATER – How to move and open up your sensual capacity through the element of water

FIRE – How to clear out, wake up and invigorate the energy of the body through the element of fire

AIR – How to open the heart and spaciousness within through the element of air

ETHER – How to connect to all the elements and ground down as we expand and connect to Spirit through the element of Ether



DATES: 6-8/5 & 10-12/6 2022. Welcome to MODULE 1 of the Moonya Yoga Teacher Training, which is held over two weekends, on the 6-8th of MAY & 10-12th of JUNE 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. This training is for you, who want to dive into your feminine essence and learn simple yet effective yogic and tantric practices that merge your creativity, health, vitality and sensuality, which you can apply in your yoga profession.

Shakti Yoga Immersion for Women

DATES: 22-28/8 2022. Experience, Embody and Enjoy Shakti – Your Feminine Force of Nature – through Shakti Yoga, Sisterhood, Sensual Awakening and Nature Connection, the 22nd to the 28th of August 2022, at Shambala Gatherings, Sweden.

Full Moon Ritual Yoga

DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED. Come and celebrate the Full Moon through letting go of what no longer serves you. This is a perfect moment to clear out whatever experiences, thoughts, emotions that are blocking you from living your dream.